Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am nothing but a pencil in the hands of the Lord

I am an imperfect instrument: Mother Teresa.

Born in 1910 in Skopje (Albania),

Raised by good staunch catholic family.

Stirred by missionary spirit she decided,

To follow Christ her Lord and Master, and came,

To India –knowing not of the land and people,

Taught in Loreto School,

But sensed her vocation is beyond,

Seeing the plight of the poor in slums,

Call within a call she responded, leaving all,

Securities of convent and began taking small steps,

This become big later as,

She became a poor herself,

Begging for food and other necessities,

Not for herself but for her poor and sick brethren,

Often humiliation and shock were meted,

She started gathering people around,

And help came from all around,

Seeing that she is doing it for people,

A chain that still continues to move.

A simple life with simple needs,

She became for an orphaned infant, a mother.

A touch of the divine to the dying,

Bestowing respect to the unwanted,

In doing so she often ended up,

Giving life to a human.

Her life touched each of us,

Irrespective of our country or conviction.

She did mind her work alone,

Giving encouragement bloom in life,

Living for poor and needy,

Giving a simple yet difficult message.

People saw most intimidating eyes of her,

Which looked and read our minds.

Always dressed in hand woven spotless sari,

With twisted feet and gnarled hand,

Proved her arduous life.

Spoke simple things of love, caring and sharing,

Profoundly proved a clear ordinary woman.

At the service of the poorest of the poor,

She lived poverty and service,

Life in homes for destitutes,

Orphans and children, old age home,

Crèches, leprosy and aids centers,

Feeding centers and slum schools.

A life of mystery,

Without qualification in academics,

No university or higher studies,

Yet she could set-up schools,

To lift poor children from desolate life in slums,

Could provide a safety net for homeless,

The soup centre and other homes.

Could give Shishu Bhavan to abandoned children,

Homes for terminally ill and discarded,

The old aged and leprosy patient.

Recognized her humanitarian work,

Received big prizes,

Met her faith and reward in 1997,

5th September to her Lord and Master.

She was a negation of the clash of civilization

Because she came from west

And made east her home

She was accepted, here totally

India her home bestowed highest honor

Bharat Ratna - MOTHER TERESA.

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