Monday, September 13, 2010

CALLED BACK TO THE ROOT ......some eco-thoughts

The voice of creation, of creator

Confronted by consumption

Cowardice and stupidity

Cruelty, indifference and degradation

We need to support life

Born and unborn; human or animal,

In the name of God the father, Son and Holy Spirit

Who gives us his goodness?

Bread to eat, wine to drink

All that is product of the earth

Truly, mother earth to survive us

Which human hand works on?

And Christ makes this own

Body and blood sacrifice for us

Among constellations and galaxies of stars

Planets and heavenly objects

Cosmos a whole but earth is unique

Where we live and where Christ incarnated

Christ is in all and all in Christ

Christ is the author of cosmos

Sent as gods’ incarnate love to earth

Born among animals in a stable

Christ born- bloody and screaming

And he died – bloody and screaming

Giving us –his body and blood

In Eucharist, his lasting gift

A gift which is life giving

A gift that is uniting humanity

But today where is this life given and unity shown

Because there is abortion – the biocide

And more there is geo-cide destruction of human life form

Ruining the Earth.

Good creation willed by God

And found good by God

Come and question us and teach

Creation is created by Abba Father

Therefore his will must be done in heaven and earth

But do we concern this?

‘Praise the lord’ is not enough

Nor ‘alleluia’ and mass is enough?

We must confront forces of dearth

And become authors of life.

Among humans and more among creation

Therefore we need to return to the roots?

There are problems that threaten our planet

Issues of poverty and human exploitation of others

Therefore a call to live values of gospel.

A challenge to live, full Christian way.

Master of creation

Chose us humans to be co creators

To complete the creation to full potential

How did he respond to this call, the divine plan.

Great intelligence humans received

Great invention, discoveries he makes

But the co creators went mad

As he created bombs Nuclear,

And chemical weapons

Biological warfare etc.,

A blasphemous act in the face of creator

At a point to destroy life on this planet

Hindered and thousands times

What an act human have done

Can you repent from this sin?

Beautiful mountains, the waters

Tree and birds, sea fishes and whales

Sunrise and sunset rain and fog

How splendor is the act of creation

Christ came and taught two commandments

Love God and your neighbor

With al heart, minds and strength

He taught- God is father of all

Humans of all cultures, races and tongues

Colors and creed and nations

Therefore we all are brothers and sisters in blood

Because Christ shed for us all his own blood

But what is the state today

More than 2/3rd of human race is living in subhuman condition

Of hunger and destitution i.e., living life like animals.

20% of human race, consumes 80% of the earth’s resources

But, 80% of human race survives with just 20% of the earth’s resources.

Injustice at international level

Mostly in 3rd world countries

There are news of people being killed

Of the human right violations

Of hatred shown and injustice done.

Creation continues even today

Though we fail to recognize them

In reproduction of plants and animals

And human race above all

The spirit gives signs of hope

Against stockpiling of nuclear,

Chemical, biological weapons

Millions die yearly and miseries continue

Yet arms sale and race continues

To promote self interest in the name of peace.

With millions suffering economic misery

That’s true because 2/3rd of humanity lives in sub-human condition

Of hunger and destruction

We had a responsibility given by God

As co-creators, to safeguard earth,

But, we are destroying nature

Though capable of transforming barren wastes to fertile land

We are proud of creating deserts.

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