Monday, September 13, 2010



Agony of poor for water, land and sanitation

Enables to him without dignity

Because resources are owned but by few hands

Threat of life from nuclear, chemical biological weapon

From genetic manipulation to modification and cloning

Where’s the splendor of water fall

Colors of toucans

Sacred white snows

Sound of wind on the mountains

Blessings of corn and wheat

Charms of the double helix

And awe of constellations and galaxies



Are complex signs of the time?

They touch important life and death issues

Not only of human beings but for the planet as a whole

There are complex, multifaceted dangerous changes taking place

Often beyond our common understanding and out of control

It’s a huge social impact, to physically alter face of earth

A solution lies not only in scientific technology

Or economical, political and military means

But a new way of life, a new spiritual attitudes

A new responsibility and hope of accountability

All will pay the price

Poor and downtrodden and the rich

From diseases, displacement, global warming and climate change

Philosophy of growth promote standards of living

ga consumers

Promise better access of heath education and reality

Earth spirituality, green movement, sustainable development


If we don’t’ attain environmental stable society soon

Environmental destruction and economic decline will boon

It will result into downward spiral of social disintegration

Planetary health is a huge threat

It has religious and scientific dimension

To safeguard and cherish the environment

This envi- concern challenges us Christians

Our belief

Our comfortable life style

Our conflicts between demands of poor and of nature

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation

And sustain and renew the life of the earth

If we really desire to pass on the earth in good shape tour children

Then why do we not act on this desire!

Be committed to life in loving relationship

Confront the conflict of exploitation of people. Earth and resources

Explore alternatives lifestyle for marginalized and poor

Challenge, empower people to discern god’s evolutionary place for universe

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