Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life is a celebration, Celebration of success, Success of our dreams and plans

Dear friends,
Today, we live in a hi-fi world of technological advancement, where our lives are so busy with our prized dreams, plans, adventures and achievements. We are so lost in celebrating our life that we hardly generate the feeling of gratitude. We mind only of our work to succeed as per our plans and dreams. Jesus also found it true in his earthly life – when only one, out of ten lepers came back to thank him for having made him clean.
This tale proves that we humans are truly - a funny race, because we always look for something for ourselves. We always long and crave for something missing in our possession, often we are too preoccupied to think of saying ‘thanks’ for anything and to everyone. We hardly think about various people around our workplace, home service providers and government workers, who day and night labor to make our lives pleasant and wonderful. We hardly think of thanking them for their contributions. If we attain success, are not they too were helpful to us? But, who cares for them.

Today let us remember all of them, who come across in our daily chores and who make our daily routines possible, unnoticed by us.Above let us thank the Almighty God whose i
nnumerable blessings are with us. Our very life, health, weather, nature and everything under heaven is his blessings for us. Have we ever realized to thank God? Let us recount all those blessings and graces and wonder at the providential love of God, the father.
Life is a celebration Celebration of success Success of our dreams and plans.

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