I write to you from forests green, from lakes and rivulet stream,
To ask you for mercy for the land, my forests wilted by your hand,
Your city’s jaws open wide, to swallow up the countryside,
This tarmac tongue of motorway licks greedily,
Across my patchwork of fields,
You do murder my creatures readily; you starve my seas of fish and oil,
And rip the coal from my deep soul,
As forests disappear and apartment blocks rise,
Do you not hear a million cries?
Of forests, rivers and trees, of fields, animals and seas,
Of skies and clouds and oceans blue, are these sounds invisible to you?
All these voices unite to ask of you one thing,
‘Save us, give us mercy’
So, please next time you decide to build a town, a road or a city,
Or to dig for oil or coal, think of this with solemnity,
Do you really need it?
What happens it’s served it’s time,
Will you toss it away like a broken toy?
This is not a child’s nursery game,
Think what you have done and hang your heads in shame.
Yours Pledingly,
(From Creative Environment Poems by Students on the Apex Summer School)