Thursday, August 26, 2010


Since your conception, God chose you to play a role in the history of salvation,

Born of Anna and Joachim, you learnt and received religious education

Presented to God as a child, in Jerusalem temple, built by your ancestors,

Served as a dedicated virgin, O Mary, here the Holy ground of your forefathers.

You chose Joseph to be your spouse, by picking his Rod ‘lucky’,

Then your engagements with Joseph, O Mary, were you happy?

When the time came for God’s great mission to fulfill,

You were there, sublime-fiat at Gabriel’s’ call and God’s will,

‘I am the handmaid of Lord, thy will be done’ you said,

‘Holy Spirit will over shadow as you have God’s favor, do not be afraid.’

You saw Gabriel and received God’s message – ‘O Privileged One’.

Received God’s grace when truly the angel said, ‘O Blessed One’.

O Mary how challenging and disgraceful it was for you to bear,

Yet you showed us a pattern to submit to God’s plan and do our share,

Joseph was there to support and accept you O handmaid,

Because you were with ‘God-Man’ in womb as Angel said,

Your service mindedness was seen when you traveled long,

To help Elizabeth bear, the Baptist, after singing the Magnificat song,

You returned again to move to Bethlehem to be registered

Then time came Mary for your first born to be delivered.

Son of God our saviour had no place on earth but your lap,

Mary you brought us Jesus the incarnate word,

Then the angels sang Gloria on high heaven with joy to share,

While shepherds rushed to see and Magi traveled with gift fair.

After eight days naming and then circumcision of Jesus took place,

And at presentation you met Holy Men Simeon, and Anna the prophetess,

You were amazed at what was said by them about your child,

‘What would happen’ you pondered and treasured in hearts these tides,

At 12 you lost Jesus in temple but found among the learned teachers,

In Nazareth he learnt and did all as farmers and carpenters.

A young lad Jesus left you to do his public mission,

When you needed most, he ventured into his own vision,

You heard from people, what Jesus did in and around Palestine,

Doing great deeds, preaching kingdom and performing signs and symbols fine.

At Cana in a marriage, on your request he performed a miracle,

All saw it and believed O Mary you were there with people and disciples,

For about three years your son did many great works,

Away from home, you were always there in His thoughts,

He said ‘my mother and brothers are those who do the will of God’,

And ‘blessed are the pure in hearts for they too will see God’.

When days of glory came he led before Passover all to Jerusalem,

Amidst unrest in Jerusalem, Jesus did things well to blame,

Your son was arrested and condemned to death by crucifixion,

How your heart ached to see Jesus bear cross part of execution.

Below cross with the beloved disciple, Jesus saw you,

Entrusted you to him, truly your son loved you,

You were there when he cried out in loud voice and died,

On your lap they placed his body - blooded, broken, shattered and tired,

You cried and prayed to Almighty, what happened to your son,

Once a naked baby and now a naked dead young Jesus - life broken.

Sorrowful you were with apostles and others at your side,

Amazement came with news of resurrection the Eastertide,

More reports of appearance made sure he has risen,

You were there O Mary at Pentecost when Holy Spirit given.

You were there O Mary as witness, disciple, model and mother,

Jesus loved us as he gave you as mother and himself as brother,

‘Here is our mother’ we say for centuries in humble prayer,

You are ever there with us in all situation like any mother,

Truly Mary you are our mother, the heavenly mother.

---------------------------------------an assignment on MARIOLOGY by lawrence

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